Future is Paw-ssible!
Our startup invites you to participate in our initiative to pair artificial intelligence with canine intelligence.
Michael Kapoustin, our founder, was granted a patent in 2021 for a smart AI-managed body harness that monitors and analyzes the physical and emotional well-being of service animals, pets, and their owners in real time. The invention pairs artificial to canine intelligence through a harness equipped with sensors. Then communicates health-related and other data to an artificial intelligence system to determine possible actions to take.
We will need your help to train the AI and raise awareness about the possible applications of this invention. If our crowdfunding campaign is successful your organization will be eligible for a grant of up to $25,000.

Our AI Solution for Health Monitoring
There are 88 million homes with 1 or more dogs in the USA alone and there are 35 million
Americans over the age of 65 and growing.
Helping the elderly
Dogs as they age, like humans, need companionship and their health monitored.
The AIDoggo harness will allow us to give both aging humans and dogs a change to develop new meaning relationships and live out their lives in service to each other.
Newest Therapy
The biometric detector
on the animal linked through the cloud to a doctor can supplement available diagnostics. It could be imagined that in the future biosensors on horses could provide similar useful medical feedback and information about patients during hippotherapy, given a horse’s sensitivity to the motion, emotion, and sentiments of its rider.
Smart Design
The product was designed to non-surgically connect an AI network to biological life form for the specific purpose of collecting data from both the AI enhanced organism, a dog, and the human within its immediate proximity.
A Human purpose
Our mission is humanitarian, and our founder created this invention out of a passion for improving the health and well-being of two special friends. By pairing rescue dogs, especially older ones, with the AI Doggo harness, we can give two lives a new purpose. One to have a chance at a full life as a service animal, and the lucky two-legged beneficiary of that love.
Please join us in our efforts to find loving homes and new purposes for shelter dogs and advance the humanitarian use of artificial intelligence.